Last Monday BBC Three aired an ‘Outrageous Fortunes’ program that claimed some of Nintendo’s games can prompt epileptic seizures, and that the company knew about the problem.
Nintendo said that they were aware of the UK broadcast television guidelines for frequency of flashing lights and patterns, but that they do not cover computer games. Although Nintendo voluntarily implemented its own internal guidelines, they were not based on the broadcast television guidelines.
In addition, games for Nintendo’s Gamecube system come with an information booklet, which includes a seizures warning.
“The notion that Nintendo would knowingly include in its games material that it knew could cause seizures is ridiculous. There is nothing more important to us than the health and wellbeing of our players” a Nintendo spokeswoman told the Observer.
The program apparently also cited warning measures which the company has now discontinued to avoid damaging sales, such as the issuing of lists of high risk games.,6903,1194036,00.html§ion=1
Source: The Observer,, BBC Three on BBCi
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