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Bullshit. It might have to be licenced, but in their wet dreams, not in reality. You are playing the music to FRIENDS, so it's under fair use (just like you were listening to music while your friend is in your room). You're not getting any income form it (case where they billed shop owners playing radio), so they can't bill you for that either. In other words - they can shove it in, at least in EU.

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Thanks for the news..

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This has been a very informative series - it has been great to have a 'masterclass' with such detailed examples for this subject area - thanks for taking the trouble to deal with it so comprehensively


I don't think so and its better if it is taken permission.Exogamer(dot)com offers game products like like xBOX 360 ,1600 microsoft points and many update games at cheaper rate than market.It offers auction for the products.I found the concept (auction) interesting.

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yeah this is great, now that I can listen my own music while I play it's great, because there are so many songs in games that just sucks.
Thanks for share.


I think this new function of xbox 360 is fantastic. At the beginning I thought it was not gonna be useful, but now I can see I weas totally worng and this is gonna revolutionize the market.

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