Welcome to Games Toaster’s corrections and clarifications page. Listed below are corrections and/or clarifications made to our articles.
PLEASE NOTE: To correct errors, please use the comments section on this page, and not the comments on individual articles – list the article in question, and what you think needs correction or clarification. This move is aimed at keeping the comments sections open to possible discussion about the games or topics covered in articles.
Any possible factual errors take precedence, but we are also interested in spelling and grammatical errors - although minor errors may not be listed here. Entrees marked as clarifications are not admittances of errors, and should not be confused with corrections. All text below the word ‘COMMENTS’ may or may not be users’ opinions.
While this groupings of our errors may make it look like we make a high number of errors, it is worth noting the few sites similar to Games Toaster make their errors so transparent.
REVIEW: Zelda: Twilight Princess (corrections)
February, 2007
A reader pointed out two minor errors on our review of ‘Zelda: Twilight Princess’ for the Nintendo Wii.
The sentence “That it does so with the most generic of plots, rescue princess and return peach to the kingdom, is some achievement” has now been changed to “That it does so with the most generic of plots – rescue the princess and return her to the kingdom – is some achievement”. The word ‘peach’ referred to a character in the game and should have started with a capital letter, although in the reedit her name was totally removed to improve the flow of the line.
While the line “The most noticeable aspect the gameplay is how rewarding it fells to play”, should have included ‘feels to play’, not “fells to play”. This was most probably a simple typo and has also been corrected.
In one of the comments the reader says "dude, spellchecker?", unfortunately both ‘fells’ and ‘peach’ are words listed in the dictionary, so a spellchecker would not have found fault with both errors, nor would most grammar checking systems.
The mistakes were due to human error – it was the reviewer’s fault for making such errors and the editor's for not spotting them.
REVIEW: Darkwatch (corrections and clarfications)
February, 2006
Our review of Darkwatch published on February 03, 2006, had a number of errors corrected. Capcom was originally listed as Darkwatch’s developer; High Moon Studios actually developed the game. Capcom was also listed as publisher, while Capcom publish this title in North America, the game was provided by Ubisoft, the publisher in PAL areas, including Ireland. Minor spelling and grammatical errors were also made and corrected. Some of these minor errors occurred after quick fixes to factual errors.
We have apologised to the developer for not giving them credit; we’d also like to apologise to the publisher as they provide a review copy of the game and we had wrongfully not credited them for being the publisher in PAL areas.
Xbox Ireland now under new ownership (clarfication)
February, 2006
Our article about new ownership (and the old editor leaving) at Xbox Ireland caused a number of anonymous complaints. No complaints have been officially received from management at the site. We issued clarifications, not a correction, within the comments section attached to the article. We directly replied to anonymous comments, we addressed all detailed complaints, and at the time of writing this we have received no outstanding response to such.
XboxIreland.com launches, backed by publishers (clarfication)
December, 2005
Our article on November 28, 2005, about the launch of the website ‘XboxIreland.com’, caused a number of anonymous complaints. The then editor, Cian O'Mahony, also complained, but latter retracted his complaint. We issued a clarification, not a correction, on the article – to this date, we see no reason to edit the article in question. The clarification about this issue, published December 10, 2005, can be found here.
Mobile games news roundup (correction)
Our article ‘Mobile games news roundup’
on February 22 2005 contained screenshots of BitRabbit’s ‘Yukiko’ that
we resized, while resizing the screenshots we inadvertently adversely
affected the quality of the images.
We apologies for this, as we understand that it could possible do
harm to the reputation of the company as it may have reflected badly on
their work. We accept that this was an error on our part. The images in
question are now corrected, and we will take steps to avoid any
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